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Oil Paintings by Artists from Belgium

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Belgian Artists - Oil Paintings

Tone AANDERAA - Belgian Artist, Oil Paintings
She has a humorous sting to her brushstroke and fun on her agenda, Tone Aanderaa. Funny, colourful and illogical 'dreams' makes for images of both realistic and surrealistic character...

Jan BOLLAERT - Belgian Artist, Oil Painting
In general, my goal is to combine the artistic craftsmanship of classical painting with the limitless possibilities of imagination in contemporary art. I strive to make a well-made aesthetic work of art by maintaining quality and using any technique that's available to me. If I have anything to convey at all in my work the very least I can do is to paint it well. With this being said, and since the majority of the art world wants to categorise every artist, Neo-popart is as close as I can come to defining my style. It is not a retro-style...

Portus OJOMO - Belgium Artist, Acrylic, Oil and Sculptures
Ojomo is a contemporary painter of emotions.Studied monumental arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and presently based in Belgium. An African monumental artist in Diaspora.Works can be found by official and private collectors...

Philippe Dubois PHEBUS - Belgian Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolours, Acrylics
Phébus (phebus) was born in Lobbes on November 04, 1958. Autodidact painter, he also studied sculpture at the Academy of Art in Brussels (Saint-Gilles). He painted copies of works of Vincent van Gogh. Phébus (phebus) studied drawing, painting with Ben Genaux (Leers-Et-Fosteau) and the surrealist painter Georges Dubuisson (La Buissière). The first personal paintings were figurative. He exhibited abstract paintings in oil and acrylic on December, 1998 at the museum "de la Porte" in Tubize (Belgium). He lives and works in Brussels.

Ellen TREZEVANT - Belgian Artist, Oil Painting
American artist, interested in realistic landscape, painting techniques, and the very personal process of conceptualization...

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