The clamor for extended reality (XR) training—encompassing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR)—is growing louder across organizations worldwide. Many companies are eager to adopt these immersive technologies, hoping to revolutionize their staffing procedures, just like platforms like 7Slots have redefined gaming. However, some remain hesitant, debating the effectiveness and budget-friendliness of the approach compared to traditional methods.

This article delves into the critical factors of cost-efficiency and effectiveness, comparing both approaches comprehensively in order to address any arising concerns. Additionally, we offer insights on how practicing firms can measure the impact of XR staffing, ensuring they can make informed decisions and maximize their return on investment.

Cost-Efficiency of XR-Based Training

Extended reality offers a modern approach to staff development that can be highly cost-efficient in the long run. While the initial investment might be substantial, scalability, maintenance, and overall cost per trainee can make it a worthwhile investment. The specifics are as follows:

Initial Investment

Setting up XR-based teaching requires purchasing VR headsets, AR devices, or MR equipment, along with the necessary software and content development. This initial outlay can be significant. However, despite the high upfront costs, this system becomes more cost-effective over time, especially as the number of trainees increases. For instance, PwC found that VR lessons become more economical than traditional classroom sessions for around 3,000 learners.


Extended reality models are scalable to accommodate a large number of trainees without a proportional increase in costs. Unlike traditional methods, which require more instructors, space, and materials as the number of trainees grows, this method can handle increased demand with minimal additional expense. Also, lessons can be deployed globally, allowing organizations to train employees across different locations without needing travel or additional physical resources.

Maintenance and Updates

Updating lesson modules that are based on so-called extended techs is more cost-effective than revising traditional teaching materials. That’s because digital updates are quickly and uniformly passed around, ensuring all trainees have access to the latest information. Also, traditional staffing often involves reprinting materials or retraining instructors, which can be costly and time-consuming. With XR, these physical costs are eliminated, making it easier and cheaper to keep training content up-to-date.

Effectiveness of XR-Based Training

Extended reality tutoring stands out not only for its cost-efficiency but also its remarkable effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes.

Through immersive technologies, this approach offers unique advantages that traditional methods often cannot match. Check out the key aspects of its effectiveness below.

Engagement and Retention

XR staffing provides an immersive environment that captures learners’ attention more effectively than traditional methods. This heightened engagement leads to better retention of information. Studies have shown that VR learners can be trained four times faster than in a classroom setting and are 275% more confident in applying the skills learned, so XR students have the same potential.

Practical Application

Thanks to extended reality, learners can practice skills in a controlled, risk-free environment, particularly in high-stakes fields like healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing, where mistakes can be costly or dangerous. This technology can simulate real-world scenarios that might be difficult or impossible to recreate in traditional staffing, helping learners develop practical skills and better prepare for real-life situations.

Flexibility and Accessibility

With XR, learning is accessible from anywhere, making it more flexible and accessible than traditional methods, and this can be useful for organizations with a geographically dispersed workforce. This method also allows for personalized learning experiences, where modules can be tailored to individual needs and progress at the learner’s pace. This adaptability enhances the overall effectiveness of the training.

How Can Organizations Measure the Impact of XR Training?

Measuring the impact of training that involves extended practices is crucial for firms looking to get the most out of their investment. By measuring impact, these firms can also identify critical areas for improvement and demonstrate the return on investment (ROI). Below are key metrics to consider when measuring the impact of this methodology:

  • Staffing Completion Time: Faster completion times indicate more engaging and effective training content;
  • Error Rates: Monitoring the number of errors made during sessions helps evaluate how well employees learn and apply new skills;
  • Post-Training Performance: Assessing employees’ productivity and quality of work after completing extended reality development programs can also help to determine effectiveness;
  • Employee Feedback and Engagement: Collecting surveys and interviews from employees who have undergone the scheme provides valuable qualitative data on the perceived effectiveness of the program and areas for improvement;
  • Retention and Turnover Rates: Effective staffing programs typically lead to lower turnover rates and higher retention, as employees feel more competent and valued.

Adopt Extended Reality for a Cheaper & More Effective Staffing System!

While the costs of setting up an XR development program can be high, especially for small companies, the results far outweigh the expenses. For firms who can afford the technology, there’s no reason to neglect this opportunity.


Extended reality practices help hone the skills of employees in comprehensive, risk-free environments, ensuring faster and more competent learning. What’s better, it’s easy to determine if the method is paying dividends by assessing a few variables. The bottom line is that XR training is here to stay, and the faster the company can exploit this technology, the better!