Gambling houses use numerous psychological techniques to attract new players. It doesn’t matter whether it is a land-based casino or an online casino. The design and architecture have a specific function to make players spend more and more money in non GamStop casinos. Some tricks that land-based casinos use are obvious, while others are thoughtful and subtle. They all target the psyche of players and make them feel safe and secure while playing roulette or slot machines. The casino industry is huge and tries to increase profits for its owners. Did you know that most owners can accurately predict which of their regular customers will visit the casino? How do you distribute your bets on slots and table games? They even have a forecast of which customers will lose money. And finally, most high rollers offer benefits to achieve this. They are then bombarded with psychological techniques to get rid of their hard-earned money faster. So if you have decided to visit a land casino (e.g. or a non GamStop casino, like Big Wins casino, you should know about all these tricks and techniques.
Near Miss Effect
The gambling industry is based on psychology. One of the biggest techniques that gambling houses use is called the near miss. According to research by scientist Reza Habib, near wins can cause the same brain activity in a gambling addicted person as if they actually gained. So many gambling casinos will artificially increase the number of possible wins so that such gamblers feel as if they are winning. And as a result, it forces them to keep playing.
Maze Effect
The so-called maze effect is another technique that gambling houses use to try to keep gamblers. Even if you already want to leave, it is not easy to find the exit. In casinos with hotels, people usually walk through casino lobbies to reach elevators, reception or other places in the building.
Time Effect
If you visit a casino every hour, you will notice that the atmosphere is the same. Same music, same lights, same sounds. There are also no windows, so you cannot watch the sunrise or sunset.
The temperature always remains comfortable and at some point time feels like it has stopped. Often there are no clocks in casinos so that gamblers cannot notice the time. It has been proven that people who gamble in the casino can forget the time. It does not matter what type of game it is: roulette, poker, slot machines or blackjack. Most gamblers are in a trance state and try to win at their favorite games. Since there are no clocks, they easily forget the time. Only in rare cases will casino employees tell you the current time. After all, they profit in this way. As a result, passionate gamblers can play almost around the clock until the casino closes. Many casinos advise their gamblers to take a break after excessive gaming sessions. However, they do this not out of conviction, but because it is required by law.
The Comfort Effect at Non GamStop Casinos
Those who work for a particular casino: croupiers, waiters, etc. try to do everything to make you feel comfortable. Casino workers want you to be comfortable and spend your money on gambling. Of course, alcoholic drinks are free, since drunk people tend to gamble riskily.
Casinos Have No Windows
Most land-based casinos have only a few windows at the entrance. When you enter the gaming area of the casino, you will hardly see any.

The lack of windows has the same purpose as the absence of clocks. You don’t need to know what is happening outside the casino and what time it is. After sunset, it gets dark. After that, our internal clock responds that it is time to go home. That is why casinos try to hide the current time of day.
Noises & Lighting at Non GamStop Casinos
In casinos, there is always great music, beautiful lights and pleasant digital sounds. Everything stimulates you in a certain way. How does this technique work? Our non-verbal signals say that we must be optimistic and that we will definitely win.
As you can see, land-based casinos use many tricks to keep players. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up gambling. Nevertheless, it is worth being attentive and responsible.