Art therapy has been shown to help treat mental illnesses by controlling manifestations that are linked to challenging behaviors and cognitive decline. This is why, in recent times, it has been recommended for treating depression and enhancing mood. How does this work? Let’s get into it.
Art therapy
Art therapy is one way that art helps lift the mood and improve mental health. There are lots of therapies under this umbrella, and they include accelerated resolution therapy, which uses guided imagery to replace negative images that lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. For instance, if a person was in a Dayton Ohio motorcycle accident, they can use this therapy to remove the negative memories from their mind.
Besides using positive imagery, some art therapies also engage patients in art-making. They take part in the creative process and draw, paint, and create sculptures or even collages. These have been proven to help give people more control of their lives when they go through a traumatic event.
When people create art, it allows them to express their emotions in a way that they cannot do verbally. Some trauma can affect people in different ways, leaving some unable to express their feelings or speak at all. Art gives them a voice if they struggle to communicate about their trauma and every other thing they have passed through. People using this therapy are guided and, in time, begin to come to terms with what has happened.
Creative activities
Besides being therapeutic, art allows individuals to participate in creative activities. Creative activities, such as painting, drawing, or listening to music, have been known to reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost self-esteem. Isolating yourself while going through posttraumatic stress disorder can make the symptoms worse. So, engaging in activities, such as painting, can go a long way.
Community building
The best thing you can do for yourself as a person who went through a traumatic event is to be part of a community. Taking part in these activities can make it easier for you to meet potential friends. In this community, it’s easier to make friends and share stories that others can relate to. Such communities often organize art competitions or similar events to help people bond even better.
Creating art requires a lot of concentration. The entire process helps you clear your mind to focus on the task. With time, it will become easier to control your thoughts and focus on the things that are more important to you. You just need to apply the same concentration of art to other aspects of your life.
Art also plays a role in relieving stress and increasing self-esteem. It gives you a chance to express yourself and confront your fears. Naturally, this relieves your stress since you don’t have to worry about your pain and trauma.
Simple activities, such as coloring and an already outlined book, can go a long way to helping you recover from your trauma. The best part is you can also have fun while doing this.