When you think of a dentist visit, the first thing that comes to mind may be teeth extraction, root canal, teeth grafting, and many other painful procedures that improve functionality. However, not every visit to the dentist is meant to fix functional medical issues. In some cases, your visit might purely be to enhance your smile. This article is for you if you have a crooked smile or want to change your appearance. Let’s consider some of the most common options.
5 Ways To Make Your Smile More Attractive
Dental care in Austin can take different forms, and improving your smile can also be considered a form of dental care. While the procedures we discuss will enhance your smile, they will also help boost your self-confidence.
Veneers for Non-Problematic Teeth
Traditionally, veneers were designed to add density and strength to weak and brittle teeth. However, things have changed, so its use is no longer restricted to problematic teeth. You can now use veneers for perfectly healthy teeth if you don’t like the shape or structure of your teeth. These products are thin porcelain shells. The dentist bonds them to your regular teeth to make your smile more beautiful. Remember that dentists may need to remove your healthy tooth enamel to bind the veneers to your teeth; the process doesn’t come cheap.
Lingual Braces for Aesthetics Alone
Who said only those with painful, misaligned teeth can use braces? While this was the case years ago, there is a high demand for braces as an aesthetic choice. These lingual braces are placed behind the teeth to help improve tooth alignment and can be used whether or not the misalignment is causing any discomfort. It eventually makes the teeth straighter, giving you a beautiful smile. Lingual braces can treat underbite and overjet but are usually more expensive than traditional braces.
If you don’t like the shape of your teeth, you can opt for over-contouring. Regular contouring is done to give the teeth a better shape when crooked. However, some people take things extreme by reshaping their teeth to unnatural shapes. The process comes with considerable risks like increased sensitivity, teeth weakening, and higher risks of tooth decay. Think long and hard about these side effects of over-contouring your teeth before you proceed.
Excessive Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening has always been an aesthetic procedure for people with yellow-looking or darker teeth. Opting for tooth whitening, in this case, is normal, but some people become overly obsessed with it and may do it excessively. It can lead to gum recession, tooth sensitivity, and uneven colors.
Bite Reopening
Some people change the position of their bite to create a more aesthetic smile. It is an invasive procedure, so it comes with a significant risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Sometimes, it may also lead to functional problems and tooth wear. Dentists who handle these procedures feel like fifteen-century artists working in their studios.
Changing your teeth’ shape, color, or structure to improve your smile is great for your self-confidence. However, most of these procedures come with side effects. So, consider your options carefully.