Oil Paintings by Artists from Argentina
Artists of The World > Argentine Artists > Oil Paintings
Argentine Artists - Oil Paintings
Cecilia REVOL NUNEZ - Argentine Artist, Oil Paintings
Figurative Paintings of the North of Argentina, the people and customs. Unusual and auspicious is the possibility to appreciate the work of a self-educated artist who, despite the risks of spontaneity, has been able to discover in her own spiritual self the ways to impose a constant and vivid emotion upon the canvas. With an elegant simplicity, Cecilia Revol Nuñez has captured the tranquil mood of those places where the human touch is only slightly suggested, depicting the rustic images of northern Argentine villages and their people...
Sara DICIERO - Argentine Artist, Oil Paintings
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1949 where she lives and works. Her first experiences with the arts were upon taking classes from argentine teacher Febo Marti in 1985. She hasn’t stopped since then. She lived in Spain for 3 years (1986-1989) where she learned: drawing and different painting techniques. She continuously keeps improving her skills; she has done different specialization courses. During two years (1999- 2000), she was part of the “Tea Group”, co-ordinates by the artist Marino Santa María and the art critic Rosa Faccaro...
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