Media - Oil Painting, Acrylics
Address - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Website -
I was born and studied in Moscow (Russia), lived and worked for many years in Israel - and
now I live in Richmond Hill, a small town near Toronto (Canada).
Painting is something I must do, and it is a major part of my life. I love to paint autumn
landscapes, music instruments, flowers and abstract art. I have been painting and drawing for
as long as I can remember, but employment in a totally unrelated field caused me to give up
doing any form of artwork for many years. In recent times I re-kindled my interest in art,
and, inspired by friends and family, I decided to publish some of my works online. Amazingly,
online sales exceeded all expectations: in less than five years I sold more than fifteen
hundred paintings!
Over the years I've built a successful relationship with hundreds of clients that although
based primarily on my work, is also due to the support of my husband and business partner,
Gregory. Being an integral part of ART by LENA, Greg manages all of its operations from
website maintenance and marketing to customer service and sales.