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Cecilia Flaten - Artist From Chile

Artists of The World > Chilean Artists > F > Cecilia Flaten

Cecilia Flaten chilean artist

Cecilia Flaten chilean artist

Cecilia Flaten chilean artist

Media - Oil Painting
Address - Príncipe de Gales 6958 - C. La Reina.
Santiago, Chile
Phone - (56-2)2262940
Email - [email protected]
Website -

Since she is four until she is twenty-seven years old, the dance comes to be in the core of her life and simultaneously she maintains sporadic romances with Painting, Theater and Literature. In the search of a more tangible art she looks after the painting coming to be at the present day her great love. At the beginning of this engagement, things happened in a rather playful and innocent way, all which is completely demonstrated in her Naïf works, in which she experiences with techniques and colors that allude directly to her Scandinavian ancestors.

Entering into a more mature stage, she works the oil, instance that provides her the stability and the so much yearned pattern of expression, which allows her to be able to represent properly the legends, the myths and the dreams that nest in her mind and  in her blood. | Contact Us | List Your Art | List Your Art Gallery | Site Map

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