Media - Mixed Media
Phone - 718-710-5181
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.daphneanastassiou.cl
Daphne is a creator, a painter of dreams. Her unique work emerges from a journey
of self exploration. A trained and active psychologist, Anastassiou credits the dualities
of emotions emitted from the universe and the complexities of the human condition as her
inspiration and at the nucleus of her work.
Anastassiou uses the tools of painting to start a dialogue with herself, resulting
in pictorial conversations created between the hazy border of physical reality and the invisible
world. Her compositions amass a confluence of sensations and characters, intertwined in
ritualistic, dreamlike patterns and sensual hues.
Daphne Anastassiou M. was born in Viña del Mar. She lives and
works in Santiago, Chile. Daphne attended both Villa María Academy (Chile) and the
Community School of Athens (Greece). She completed higher education at Alvescot College
(England), Pierce College (Athens, Greece), and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, where she obtained a degree in Psychology in 1980.
Anastassiou founded and currently directs private practice through "Daphne Anastassiou
Consultores Ltda." and "DA Capacitación S.A., advising companies such as Banco
Edwards, 3M, Bellsouth, Banco de Chile, Atento, Weg Chile, and Minera Los Pelambres on the
development of human potential. Her workshops and motivational events cover a wide range
of issues that affect the human condition such as stress management, leadership, emotional
intelligence and creativity. Her state-of-the-art methodology and important treatment
tools are characterized by humor, creativity, and making contact with one's feelings.