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Madi Avishai - Artist From Israel

Artists of The World > Israeli Artists > A > Madi Avishai

Madi Avishai israeli artist

Madi Avishai israeli artist

Madi Avishai israeli artist

Media - Oil Paintings, Mixed Media
Phone - 972-50-4414966
Email - [email protected]
Website -

Artist Statement

Painting is for me the expression of how I feel about my own existence, and the mental struggles that take place during my work emanate from self dialogues about tension points in human relationships, and the subconscious that I believe influence my work. Much is left for the viewers to explore in there own terms of reference in these  introspective acrylic, oil  mixed media canvases, which allow for a rich personal relationship, first between artist and canvas , and then also interaction with the viewer through emotional intellectual imagery relationship that cause emotional The character of the human figure "has a life of its own"
And they gives a solution to defining space outside of the traditional elements that bind with the human figures.


- Art studies  - 1985-1989
Art College (HAMIDRASH Ramat Hasharon) included exhibitions as part of the studies.
1994 - Graphic Design

1998 - Solo exhibition - Israel
2000 - Group exhibition - ""People and situations" - New York
2001 - "Figures" New-York
2002 - Group exhibition -st. Thomas USVI
2003 - "New Face" Israel
2004 - "See the Voices" - Israel
2004 - Group exhibition - Israel
2005 - "Old and new" Tel Aviv Israel
2006 - "Musk" Exhibition- huge musk's 100 Israeli Artists along the shore of "Bat Yam" | Contact Us | List Your Art | List Your Art Gallery | Site Map

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