Media - Sculpture, Jewelry
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.akelo.it
Andrea Cagnetti, also known in the artistic world as Akelo (Corchiano - Viterbo, 16 March
1967) is an Italian goldsmith, designer, and sculptor. He is known for dedicating himself to
the research of the ancient techniques used in metalworking (from Wikipedia).
After having obtained a diploma at the Ronciglione State secondary school with a concentration
in scientific studies, Akelo transferred to Rome, where for several years he worked as a
graphic artist while continuing to pursue his in-depth studies of texts and documents relating
to ancient goldsmithing, metallurgy, and alchemy.
Combining this theoretical understanding with extensive experimentation on materials and
techniques, the artist now entirely devotes himself to creating gold objects and to making
sculptural objects out of gold, bronze, and iron, using
the artistic name of Akelo (from Achelous, Greek god of the waters).
In 2010 the artist created the bronze sculpture "Hope" for the Robert Bresson Prize
given every years at the Venice Film Festival.
The works of Andrea Cagnetti have been exhibited in many national and international
exhibitions, and have caused a sensation in the media throughout the world. In fact, numerous
publications, reviews and television appearances
have been dedicated to him, which highlight not only his talent and his stylistic originality,
but also the value of his research.
In the last few years, some of his pieces have been acquired by important museums and private
Andrea Cagnetti lives in Corchiano, where he also writes scientific articles on the techniques
used in ancient
Works in Public Collections
. HOEDUS II (1996) Pendant - Newark Museum
. YILDUN (2001) Pendant - Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri
. CHORT (2002) Pendant - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
. DENHEB (2004) Necklace - Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri
. SEGIN (2009) Pyx - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
. STRANGE MECHANISM #3 (2010) Sculpture - Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of
. "Akelo: Golden Works 1994-2000" - G. Spinola/P. d'Ambrosio - Saatchi &
Saatchi/Lupetti Editore (2004) ISBN 88-8391-107-5, 9788883911071
. "Etruschi, scoperto il segreto dei loro gioielli" - Corriere della sera
. "Experimental survey on fluid brazing in ancient goldsmith's art" - International
Journal of Material Research (2009) DOI 10.3139/146.101783 [4]
. "The Voyage of a Contemporary Italian Goldsmith in the Classical World: Golden
Treasures of Akelo" - Mary Pixley - Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri
(2010) ISBN -910501-40-8, 9780910501408
. "Gioiello Italiano Contemporaneo" - Skyra - Rizzoli International (2007)
. "Akelo's Treasures - An Exhibition Celebrating 25 Years Of A Roman Master
Goldsmith" - Bentley & Skinner, London (2011)
. "Materia Nova" - Galerie Ludwig Trossaert, Contemporary art (2012) ISBN
9789491314124 - D/2012/12.184/07
Main Exhibitions
. "Materia Nova" - Galerie Ludwig Trossaert, Contemporary art - Antwerp, Belgium (18
May - 6 June 2012)
. "Collecting for a New Century: Recent Acquisition" - Museum of Art And
Archaeology, University of Missouri -
Columbia, MO - U.S.A (28 January - 13 May 2012)
. "Akelo's Treasures. An Exhibition Celebrating Twenty-Five Years of a Roman Master
Goldsmith" - Bentley &
Skinner (Bond Street Jewellers) Ltd - London - U.K. (November, 2011)
. "Golden Treasures by Akelo" - Museum of the Gemological Institute of America -
Carlsbad, California, U.S.A.
(October 2010 - March 2011)
. "The Voyage of a Contemporary Italian Goldsmith in the Classical World: Golden
Treasures by Akelo" -
Museum of Art And Archaeology, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO - U.S.A (5 June - 26
September 2010)
. "Gioiello Italiano Contemporaneo" - Castello Sforzesco, Milano / Palazzo Valmarana
Braga, Vicenza /
Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin / Museo di arti decorative Pietro Accorsi, Torino (January 2008 -
January 2009)
. "In Its Time: Materials and Techniques Throughout Jewelry History" - Aaron Faber
Gallery - New York, U.S.A.
. "Akelo: risplende l'oro degli Etruschi" - Vicenzaoro2, Fiera di Vicenza - Vicenza,
Italy (June 2005)
. "The Hanover World Exposition 2000" - Italian Pavillon - Hanover, Germany (June -
October 2000)
. "Museum exhibit highlights the splendor of collecting" - The Columbia Daily
Tribune (U.S.A) - March, 2012
. "Timeless Gold" - Vogue (Italy) - October, 2011
. "Great Designers" - World Gold Council - 2011
. "The Midas Touch" - The Mayfair Magazine (U.K.) - November, 2011
. "Granulation Rediscovered" - Antiques Trade Gazette (U.K.) - November, 2011
. "Una Mostra per i 25 anni di Akelo" - 18 Karati (Italy) - November 2011
. "Bentley and Skinner hosts Akelo show" - The Jeweller Magazine (U.K.) - October,
. "Bentley & Skinner to host Akelo retrospective" - Professional Jeweller (U.K.)
- October, 2011
. "Akelo festeggia i 25 anni di attività da Bentley & Skinner" - Preziosa
Magazine (Italy) - October, 2011 [9]
. "Un etrusco a London" - Vioromagazine (Italy) - October, 2011 [10]
. "Bentley & Skinner to host celebration of Akelo's 25 years" - Jewellery World
Review (Thailand) - September,
. "Akelo" - Jewellernet (Russia) - September, 2011 [11]
. "Bentley & Skinner to exhibit works of Andrea Cagnetti" - Diamond World
(China) - September, 2011 [12]
. "Breathing new life into an age old technique" - The Malta Independent (Malta) -
September, 2011 [13]
. "A Pendant by the Italian Artist Akelo in the Permanent Collection of the Newark
Museum" - The Benchpeg
(U.K.) - April, 2011
. "Les bijoux étrusques d'Akelo" - Guide Bijoux (France) - April, 2011
. "Italian Artist's Pendant acquired by Newark Museum" - JewelleryNetAsia (China) -
March, 2011 [15]
. "Modern Artist Brings Ancient Techniques to Life" - GIA Insider (U.S.A.) -
December, 2010 [16]
. "Masterpieces by Akelo" - Solitaire International (India) - October, 2010
. "Echi etruschi di Akelo" - 18 Karati (Italy) - August, 2010
. " Museums acquire two Akelo Pieces " - International Jewellery Couture. Europa
Star - September, 2010 [17]
. "Golden Treasures by Akelo" [18]
. "Golden Treasures Exhibit" - Rock&Gem (U.S.A.) - June, 2010
. "An artist's golden touch" - The Columbia Daily Tribune (U.S.A) - May, 2010
. "Exhibition to feature gold jewellery inspired by ancient Etruscans" - Gold
Bullettin (U.S.A.) - April, 2010
. "Etruscan-inspired gold exhibit sets sail for U.S." - National Jeweler (U.S.A.) -
April, 2010
. "Golden Treasures by Akelo" - Museum Magazine - MAA University of Missouri
(U.S.A.) - January, 2010
. "L'alchimista-orafo che fa rivivere i gioielli etruschi" - Di Tutto (Italy) -
December, 2009
. "Museu de Belas Artes de Boston (EAU) recebe peça do Joalheiro Andrea
Cagnetti" - Infojoia (Brazil) - January,
. "Museum Of Fine Arts Receives Gift Of Cagnetti Pendant" - Art Knowledge News -
April, 2008 [20]
. "A touch of gold: Andrea Cagnetti explores the Etruscan enigma - Golden secret of
Etruscan" - Dollhouse
Miniatures (U.S.A./U.K.) - March/April, 2008
. "Andrea Cagnetti. Moderno alchimista" - Allure (Italy) - March, 2008
. "Akelo: Contemporary Master in Ancient Goldsmithing Techniques" - Adornment, The
Magazine of Jewlery and
Relates Arts (U.S.A.) - Winter, 2007
. "Gild trip" - Solitaire (Singapore) - August/September, 2006
. "Joias primordiais" - Joia & Cia (Brasil) - July, 2006
. "Andrea Cagnetti fait reviver l'or des Etrusques" - Heure (Switzerland) -
June/July, 2006
. "Akelo: Master of granulation" - Jewellery World Review Magazine (Thailand) -
June, 2006
. "Granulieren - Altes Verfahren wiederentdeckt, Etruskische Kunstfertigkeit erlebt
Renaissance durch Akelo" - GZ
Goldschmiede Zeitung (Germany) - January, 2006
. "A Journey in the Historical Discoveries" - Al-Jawhara Magazine (Kuwait) - August,
. " The fruit of ancient goldsmith art" - World of Gold, Jewelry and Watches
(Thailand) - Summer, 2005
. "L'etrusco ritrovato" - Vioro, Vicenzaoro International Magazine (Italy) - June,
. "Etruskiska guldsmeders hemlighet avslöjad" - Illustrerad Vetenskap (Denmark)
- June, 2001
. "Granulation: the perfection of the Etruscans" - Gold Magazine Europe (Italy) -
January, 2001
. "Secret of Etruscan Jewels Uncovered" - Discovery (U.S.A) - December, 2000
. "Megfejtették az etruszk aranymuvesség titkàt" - Elet et
Tudomany (Hungary) - December, 2000
. "Ho rubato agli Etruschi la formula segreta dell'oro" - Oggi (Italy) - November,
. "Svelato il segreto dei gioielli etruschi" - Corriere di Viterbo (Italy) -
October, 2000
. "Culture: The Etruscans - After 25 centuries their gold mystery technique is
discovered" - AdnKronos (Italy) -
October, 2000
. "Etruschi, scoperto il segreto dei loro gioielli" - Corriere della sera
Television Appearances
. "Sulle tracce degli Etruschi" - Ulisse, il piacere della scoperta - RAI 3
. "I tesori del Vaticano" - Ulisse, il piacere della scoperta - RAI 3 (Italy)
. "Le meraviglie del British Museum" - Ulisse, il piacere della scoperta - RAI 3
. "Der Schmuck der Etrusker" - Abenteuer Erde - HR Hessischer Rundfunk
. "Unomattina" - RAI 1 (Italy)
. "Taccuino Italiano" - RAI International (Italy)
. "Destinos" - CNN en espanol
. "Mediterraneo" - RAI 2 (Italy) - FRANCE 3 (France) - CANAL ALGERIE (Algeria) -
ERT/ET 1 (Greece)
. "Style" - MBC (Middle East)