Media - Oil Painting, Watercolours, Acrylics, Mixed Media, photography,
Video, Performance
Phone - 0039055480253
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.cesareoliva.com
Cesare Oliva (1953) is an international artist, born in Italy, he grew up between Venezuela
and Italy. For years he has worked and lived in Canada. Numerous shows and exhibits in
Montreal, Toronto, New York, Rome, Caracas, Florence. He lives in Florence since 1996. His
several artistic periods are based on extensive research and he is the author of the manifest:
The Reflectionism". Dorothy Roatz Myers in "About Art" has said of him:
"There's enough symbolism in just one of these paintings to occupy the most perceptive
gallery-hopper for the duration of the gallery visit. (...) It's incredible that such an
inventive imagination, innovative talent, and skillful execution could exist in just one
artist. His works are powerfully descriptive and consistantly intriguing... different."