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Sanneke Griepink - Artist From Netherlands

Artists of The World > Dutch Artists > G > Sanneke Griepink

Sanneke Griepienk netherland artist

Sanneke Griepienk netherland artist

Sanneke Griepienk netherland artist

Media - Oil Painting, Watercolours, Photography
Email - [email protected]
Website -

My work is purely visual- I like to show my experience with a space, a landscape, a vision. During my painting I like to experiment with the size of things- to extent flowers to monsterous forms , to place a face over a map , to give a shell monumental status, to combine the realistic with the lyric or mysterious world that lives in our mind. I'm intrested to explore those places that are or ones where holy to us, and the similarity between all worldreligions. What I try to create are the things of other beauty than that the media are pushing us to beleave in, not one who is based on money or democratic measurement, but a beauty that is pure and original. That makes lot of my work has to do either with nature or with old cultures, that threaten to give way to worldeconomy. 
But apart from this statement painting for me is the pure plesure of creating new forms, shapes and worlds that we never new before. And to share that experience with others. | Contact Us | List Your Art | List Your Art Gallery | Site Map

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