Media - Acrylics
Phone - +64 9 828 0696
Website - www.yessy.com/marie-claire
Email - [email protected]
Marie-Claire specializes in wildlife and nature inspired acrylic paintings. Her passion for
nature is expressed through a number of series including endangered New Zealand birds,
Australian birds, big cats and botanical watercolour / ink drawings of Australian
Art has always been a passion for Marie-Claire. As a high school student, Marie-Claire won the
'Most Promising Artist' section of the Mosman Bicenntannial Awards, presented by Australia's
internationally acclaimed Ken Done. Marie-Claire also won her sections for two consecutive
years in the Merriwa Art Awards, attracting entries from around Australia.
On moving to New Zealand, Marie-Claire exhibited in Orewa and surrounding areas and was
covered in the local and national press.
Commissions include a painting of a brown kiwi for the Tawharanui Regional Park TOSSI
committee, (see New Zealand Wildlife Gallery on her website), an investment art collector, a
multinational businessman and numerous private collectors. Her Australian Grevillea paintings
were featured in a restricted release series of calendars.
Sales include to Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.