Media - Street art, Oil paintings, Acrylic paintings, Mixed
Phone - +639452777740
Email - [email protected]
Website - https://www.venazir.com
Venazir Martinez is a Filipino visual-anthropreneur, and a street muralist. A multi-potential
creative best credited for her institutionalized social experiment using street art as her
primary medium. Her famous series of public art seen in Baguio City, Philippines, entitled
Hila-bana, temporary stitching, which is a term used as the unifying concept of her works
portraying the figures of the collective identities of the Cordillerans. She has been visually
reformulating and developing this creative voyage in tune with the National Commission for
Culture and the Arts.
Venazir Martinez's creative process delved into the influence of Filipino indigenous knowledge
and links it with our contemporary mindset through the lenses of our multitudinous identities.
Her passion for her immersive discovery for human figures translates the beauty and complexities
we experience into this physical platform. Her style captures a vibrant realistic
representations of our people and indigenous mindsets. More so, permeated with flamboyant
stratification of abstractive, delineating forms, and spontaneous over-all. Venazir's deep
enthrallment on the voyage of the discovery of Filipino identity eventually engendered her