Media - Oil Paintings
Address - St. Petersburg, Russia
Website - www.volosov.spb.ru , www.art2009.com
Email - [email protected]
Vladimir Volosov was born in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in 1937. Physicist by education,
Doctor of Science, Professor, winner of the State Prize, author of more than 100 scientific
papers. At the age of 50 has left scientific activity and completely devoted himself to
painting. Author of several hundreds paintings. Main direction in painting - lyrical realism.
Volosov's works are in galleries and private collections of Russia, USA, Finland, Sweden,
Germany, Israel, Japan.
"I wish Vladimir Volosov to remain himself - contrary to a fashion, not listening
"wise" advice. The bravery is necessary, for, having selected destiny of the artist
at already mature age, to remain faithful to yourself."
Doctor of art-criticism, professor, member of international association of critics M.
"I'm glad to be acquainted not only with your works, but also with you personally - man
of extraordinary destiny".
The mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. 09.08.94