Media -
Address - 4 Hely Hutchinson ave Camps Bay Cape Town, South Africa
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.antonbutler.co.za
Have always felt the need to be creative most of my life and have channelled my creative
energies into different aspects of my life. I have been a surfboard designer and shaper for
the past 20 years and have built up a successful business around surfboards. Over the years my
creativity through building and designing surfboards and the need to find other creative
avenues, as well as my love for nature came together in the form of my paintings. All my
creative ideas stem from 3 aspects in nature, Landscapes, Seascapes and Skyscapes. Colour for
me is the most important aspect about my work. I try to convey the mood of the landscape
through the colours rather than the form. A lot of the time the form is abstract and I let the
viewer make up their mind as to what kind of landscape they see in the paintings. Quite a few
of the paintings can be positioned in different ways, vertically or horizontally, which
changes the mood of the painting. From the start to the finish of a piece of work is an
exciting journey for me. I have a vision of what I would like the piece to look like but at
the outcome it is always a surprise as to the form it takes.