Media -
Oil Painting
Phone - +2778 925 9036
Email - [email protected]
Artist, Reuel Revere was born and bread in the beautiful Limpopo Province of South Africa, in
He was inspired in elementary years by observing his creative mother drawing pastel
portraits. In maintaining a farm it was unavoidable to learn from his father how to
create strategically and improvise as part of daily habitual thinking. This Natural
environment constituted to soul searching and an explosion of creativity. Reuel felt a
deep need to share the beauty of nature he so easily observed in various forms of Art.
Reuel Revere's love and passion for art, wildlife, nature conservation, and reverence for all
living things, triggered him to embark on his artistic career in 1994. Whilst expressing his
innate raw talent and the ability to translate observed beauty into breathtaking fine art,
that he found his destined path
His realisation of the privilege of the gift of creating talent brought contentment through
the joy of self-expression. Reuel Revere's success in getting notable accolades for his
pieces fuelled his capacity for creating and developing his gift, techniques and styles.
Each of Reuel's completed creations impersonates a reservoir of experience, perseverance and
deep seated passion for the soul to find.
The complex textures, unique surfaces and beauty of his paintings are a testament to his
talent and heartfelt expression.
Reuel Revere has a deep-seated knowing that his artistic gift gracefully chose him before he
even considered pursuing art.
Reuel Revere artworks range from very realistic in style, to impressionistic. He depicts his
subjects and their surroundings as realistic as possible, whilst still enticing the viewer to
use his or her imagination in perception. In humorous fashion Reuel comments that beauty
lies in the eye of the beholder. Yet there is firm believe that true talent compels the viewer
to stand in awe.
Reuel typically breaths in the atmosphere surrounding his subjects and magnify it with his
unique style.
Reuel Revere artwork trots around the globe gracing the homes and establishments of those who
are so in awe of his expressive vision from United States, Canada, Cyprus, Spain, Austria,
Germany and Australia to the Far East. Reuel Revere Fine Art is not only an investment for the
eye of the beholder, but also a sound financial investment.
Reuel's style varies from nature and wildlife scenes to artistic and tasteful nude fine art
Reuel resides in the beautiful Somerset West, near Cape Town, surrounded by some of the most
awe inspiring scenery you will find in South Africa and the world.
Reuel Revere envisage planting his artistic roots combined with his talented family on a game
farm in the wilderness in Canada, whilst striving to produce his artistic views of the people,
the country and its wildlife. In the meantime the world remains his oyster and new
inspiration reveals itself to Reuel continuously.