Media - Oil Painting, Charcoal, Mixed Media, Sculpture
Address - 270 Main road, Kalkbay, 7975
Phone - +27824604160
Website - www.riaanvanzyl.net
Email - [email protected]
Riaan van Zyl is a capable visual artist.
capable /kàypeb\'l/adj. 1 competent, able, gifted. 2 (foll. by of) a having the
ability or fitness or necessary quality for. b susceptible or admitting of (explanation or
improvement etc.). - capably adv. [Ff.LL capabilis f. L capere hold]
1 able, competent, efficient, proficient, qualified,
experienced, talented, gifted, skilled, skilful, expert,
masterly, masterful, accomplished, apt, adept, clever,
effective, effectual. 2 a (capable of) disposed to, inclined
to, predisposed to; up to; (be capable of) have the
potential to, have it in one to, colloq. have what it takes to...
(Oxford Complete Wordfinder 1993)
be an artist, do art and live art. He is an art addict.