Media - Acrylics, Oils, Watercolors
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.redbubble.com/people/andy44
I am a self taught artist who has been experimenting with various techniques over the last 25
years, mainly on a trial and error basis, learning and developing as I have gone along, my art
evolving and changing. Nowadays I am very happy with doing my abstract technique of pouring,
dripping, splattering etc. I find it a very simplistic approach to Art, but I think my
experience, control of the paint (sometimes) and eye allow me to create something very unique.
Quite often now my artworks are one-offs, something conjured up in my creative psyche with no
reference, I go with an idea, I use my intuition often. I also add my personality, everyday
incidents, words from song lyrics, world events, my moods and observations and incorporate
them into the art. What I mean by evolve is that I can have an idea in my head, then the
flowing paint, which is difficult to control sometimes, won't do what I want it to and I have
to change what I initially wanted to achieve, thus evolving into something else, which is
sometimes fun and challenging, but nearly always gives great results, it's almost art
improvisation in a way. I love it and am creating some great work lately because of it's
spontaneous nature, I hope you agree.