Media - Oil on Canvas
Website - http://marcelflisiuk.com
Email - [email protected]
Marcel Flisiuk was born on November 15, 1976 - Gdynia a nondescript port on the Baltic
accidentally was the place, however lively, medieval Gdansk had been the backdrop of the first
five years of his life.Beside "remembering things" from the early period,continual
cultural influence of the family warranted him elements of so called "Slavic soul"
which is both moody and sensual a resolve about the fate.
Early on Marcel showed passion for creating pictures, to find through them a formula to
communicate and, yes,to to change the world. His mother Teresa Flisiuk, an accomplished
writer, cultivated by means of guidance in the matters of life in general, by widening his
sight, and pointing to fog and blur of a day to day existence which seems to purposely obscure
for us the most pivotal things.The mother took also special care to stay away from influence
on the process of painting itself, to let his talent develop freely, unmarred by any sort of
formal education.Thanks to her relentless efforts, Marcel owns a style of his own - readily
recognizable and inimitable as well as literary merit of his images and their titles.
Marcel sold his first painting at the age of ten in New Orleans.There he made friends with
musicians, local power wielders, aroused envy in craft painters littering Jackson Square,
designed posters, postcards, compact disc covers, painted murals and one refrigerator door on
commission to be precise, several galleries started to carry his paintings and off around the
world they went to places like Jerusalem, Paris and Nagasaki.Separate shows of his work were
presented in Chicago and Atlanta. Several collectors keep large numbers of his work and are
extremely passionate about his art.
New Orleans, the most "European" from American cities, place where things are
played out more drastically and vivdly is where he lives now with his two cats Gramma and
Maine, though, is the place Marcel loves, from dizzying complexity of the shore to majestic
lapidary on the plateau near Katahidin summit invoking for him, like no other place, - the
Presence of the Creator.
Michal Flisiuk 2000 (1954-2009)
* I do not reside in New Orleans any longer.But to honor My father i did not want to change
anything on this bio that he had written for me many years ago.