Media - Photography
Address - 7229 Painter Ave. # 4
Whittier, California. USA
Phone - 562 895 6926
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.dfoschisite.com/
Photography and my personal growth are intertwined. After two decades of commitment with
large format photography that requires a paced and meditative method, I have decided to return
to a more instinctual approach using 35 mm cameras.
In the past I had chosen to photograph static subjects in isolation, now I allow myself to the
abandon of life’s rhythm, and seek Beauty in the energy of people’s
My aim with this work is not to highlight specific social issues, as much as to explore the
universality of the human condition as I sense the spiritual thread that underscores Life in
its breadth. A bank employee’s alienated gaze, a couple’s body language, a
mysterious structure wrapped by a tarp on a lawn, can all strike a cord in my psychological
make-up and compel me to photograph.
When successfully executed, the resulting images resonate at a more universal level of our
human experience.