Media - Oil Painting, Watercolours, Acrylics, Mixed Media, Photography
Address - Warren, Ohio, United States
Website - http://bocajstudios.webs.com
Email - [email protected]
One can sit here, and ramble on about all the systematic conceptions of what an artist sees,
and feels towards the meaning of art is though their own work. As an artist I know, what I
love and hate about my own work. With that, to see, what the viewer has said, about one of my
works is more interesting. From the standing of growth and conceptually thinking. The
different meanings that come up from each persons personal thoughts, is a wealth of
information, from Galleries to Art Festivals, the person interaction of the artist and the
client makes this worth while.
The evolution in the world of art is forever moving in multiple directions with some moving
back into Modernism, Neo Classicalism, and others moving in the realms of abstractism that
push the limits of the human of conceptualism in way of making art. When thinking of media and
process of what the project calls for and addressing the issues of size, media, and materials.
Im thinking on the influences that have influenced me towards the project. I'm asking my self
if they are historical, personal or from other artist.