Media - Oil Paintings
Website -
Email - [email protected]
For the entirety of my life, my greatest interest and one true passion has always been
nature, and animals in particular. My paintings have afforded me an opportunity to share
this vision, to clearly communicate what is important and beautiful to me. My hope is that the
purity and vulnerability I see in animals and nature as a whole will be reflected in my work,
and perhaps influence others to open their eyes to the majesty that is life.
My paintings have greatly changed and evolved since I began living in Southwest Colorado some
four years ago. This new body of work is a personal response to the shifting of my
environment. I find endless inspiration in the land and the people who live here.
With a central focus of realism, I use peripheral brushstrokes to instill a sense of energy,
movement and balance into my paintings. It is this vibrancy that I seek as a way to
convey the essence and importance of each organism that inhabits this planet.