Media - Photography, Digital Art
Address - P.O. Box 691949
Houston, TX 77069-1949, United States
Phone - 713-202-1824
Website - www.everythingdear.com
Email - [email protected]
I am a native Texan, born into a family of artists. It was all around me when I was growing
up, and I just had to get involved, too. My love is to create pictures that show inner beauty
and innocence of things, whether it be a cat, a rose, or a tree.
I find my favorite things in nature, take a picture of them and then enhance them on the
computer which ends up as unique picture, reminiscent of the French Impressionist watercolor
paintings. I cannot explain why some pictures come out and some don't but when magic happens,
then the picture is saved and shared.
I use only professional grade papers and inks. The papers are a mat finish which enhances the
painting-like quality of the picture The inks used are from a printer that uses 6-7 different
ink cartridges which sprays on the ink, chemically bonding it to the paper for a vibrant
color-lasting picture. You will find no pixilation because of the technique. If you look
closely, some will have a 3-D look.
Hope you will enjoy the pictures as I do
- Gifts that capture a piece of your heart.