Media - Scratchboard Painting
Phone - 8626862726
Website - www.artcreativeminds.net
Email - [email protected]
My artwork consists of scratching away layers of colored ink that I previously apply on a
white claybord or scratchboard (a special board coated with a thin layer of white China clay
or Kaolin). By using sharp knives, a fiber glass brush, steel wool, and other tools I create
highly detailed images. Depending on the pressure exerted on the tool used, it determines the
amount of light or color that is revealed, creating highlights, shadows, and excellent
contrast. I have been experimenting with this medium for eight years, always challenging
myself and bringing this medium "scratchboard", to a totally new level. I always
feel inspired and transported into an infinite surreal world full of bright colors, deep
contrast, fantasy images, and miniature figures awaiting to be revealed. In other words, it
gives me a way of freedom and spiritual connection with my inner self.