Media - Oil Painting
Phone - 404-395-7121
Website - www.marissalminsgallery.com
Email - [email protected]
At an early age Maris began showing evidence that he had inherited his grandmother's
phenomenal and unique manner of reflecting the color and light in nature.
Maris belonged to Zemudene, a group of young artists in the 1970's who were trained on a
regular basis for five years by well known Latvian artist Biruta Delle. Delle and
Zemudene were written about in detail in "Art of the Baltics: The Struggle for Freedom of
Artistic Expression Under the Soviets, 1945-1991" by Allan Rosenfeld, Norton
Townshend Dodge.
His formal drawing courses were at the Art Institue of Latvia.
His work has been exhibited in Europe in such places as the Museum of Biology and Natural
Sciences, The Theater Museum, the O. Vacietis Poet's Museum, the Open Air Exhibitions at
Arkadia Park, and the Cesis History Museum, Bikur Holim Hospital, Ark Clinic, and City Hotel
His work is now emerging onto the walls of America. Maris was juried into the
Abernathy Art Center Exposition in Atlanta and was chosen as an Electronic Cottage's Artist of
the month.
Maris is a member of the Salmagundi Club, Fifth Avenue, New York.