Media - Oil Paintings
Address - 3195 Blake Street, #105
Denver, CO 80205, United States
Website - www.jaredsteinberg.com
Email - [email protected]
In observing the world around me, I have come to realize the vibratory condition emitted by
energy and atmosphere. I am also fascinated with sensory data as perceived when I close my
eyes, watching colors mingle and harmonize into fluid shapes and forms. My art combines these
modes of seeing.
My oil paintings are narrative compositions based off perceptions of reality and recollections
from my imagination. I distort the subject matter to fit within the dimensions of a canvas to
tell my story. Using thin layers of glazes and hatch marks, I employ all six major hues in
each of my paintings to achieve a unique balance of color and contrast. I work to push the
depth of the canvas, giving the illusion of a third dimension on a two-dimensional surface. I
describe my work as Contemporary Expressionism.
Over the years, I have created and cultivated a very personal collection of images such as
water, earth, sky, buildings, people, and musical instruments. I am fascinated by their
connections to each other, to me, and to the canvas. Learning from these relationships has
provided me with the insight to initiate suggestions of stories, offering just enough
information to allow a viewer's imagination the freedom to interpret it, based on their own
experience. I frequently title my work with pop-culture references, such as a title or passage
within a song or a book. This is as close as I come to offering my viewers a glimpse into my
thought process. My paintings are intended to be an experience, providing the viewer with a
unique perspective that I, myself, am learning to see better every day.