Media - Paintings, Photography
Address - Belvederegasse 35/15, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.studio-sandor.com
- conceptual paintings basend on circle segments
- concert photography
- Born in Hungary, lives since 1987 in Vienna, Austria
- Study at the the High School of Fine and Applied Arts, Budapest
- Master class for photography and painting
- Hungarian State Prize for Photography
- Study at the Austrian Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna
- Master class for Graphik, by Prof. Ernst Caramelle
- Fellowship by the Soros Foundation, New York
- Membership of the Foundation IAPMA,
- (International Association of Papermakers and Artists),
- Participation at the IAPMA congress in Basel, Switzerland (1991)
- Co-founder and member of eigenart
- Public purchase by the City of Vienna
- Participation at an art auction, Museum of Modern Arts,
- Palais Liechtenstein, Vienna
- Project grants, and public purchase by the Federal Chancellery [A]
- Participation at an art auction, Dorotheum, Vienna, catalogue
- Circle in square, catalogue
- Purchase by the Friends of Visual Arts Society Art Collection, Vienna
- Purchase by the Bank Creditanstalt AG Art Collection, Vienna
- Purchase by the Wr. Städtische Versicherung AG Art Coll., Vienna
- Art Grant by the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York
- Honore Award by the International Cultural Union, Israel
- Invited artists lecture at the CCAC
- (California College of Arts and Crafts), San Francisco, USA
- Membership of VBK, The Artists Rights Society in Austria
- A. and E. Gottlieb Foundation Emergency Assistance Grant, New York
- Public purchase by the City of Vienna
- Purchase by the Wr. Städtische Versicherung AG Art Coll., Vienna
- supported studio by the City of Vienna
- Publikation of the book: "the seven prayers"
- Membership of IAC (International Art Collective) Barcelona, Spain
- Project grants by the Federal Chancellery [A]
- prize-winner of the 1st International Cyprus Art Exhibition
- Invitation and participation at the II. International Meeting of Publications", Vortice, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Participation at the World Trade Center Site Memorial
- Design Competition, New York
- An inspiration and study journey to Chicago
- "Can You Find A Circle?" - class program (March 22-25.) about my circle concept at the The Children´s Museum of Cleveland
- Two years contract with the Gallery Lux in Chicago
- Cover design and photos to the LIVE music DVD "Liz Mandville
- Greeson & The Blue Points at Kingston Mines, Chicago 2005"
- First time presentation of the movie at the Gallery Ariadne, Vienna
- Membership of UNCAV – Press (United Nations Correspondents Association – Vienna), freelancer photo journalist by Jazzzeit
- Honoured artist by MIAD Venado Tuerto 2006, Argentina
- Published with last James Brown photos, cover site of Insight News, Minneapolis USA, January 8, 2007
- 1/12 winner ("December") of the international art competition
- Art Periscope Art Calendar 2007, Poland