Oil Paintings by Artists from Austria
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Austrian Artists - Oil Paintings
Achim FROMM - Austrian Artist,
Oil Painting
Oil paintings by Austrian artist Achim Fromm...
Werner HORVATH - Austrian Artist, Oil Painting
Werner Horvath was born in Linz, Austria in 1949 and has been painting since his youth. Beside this interest he studied medicine in Vienna and was a well known chief radiologist in Linz, specialising in interventional radiology. Horvath decided to leave the medical profession at the age of 50 and has been working as a freelance artist ever since. He opened a studio named "Villa Arte" in Kastellos on the island of Crete (Greece)2003 and his "Atelier Horvath" in Linz, Austria, where he works during the winter...
Eva M. PAAR - Austrian Artist, Oil Paintings, Photography
Born 1977 in Salzburg (AT), Eva M. Paar works and lives in Linz (AT) at the moment. Since the breakout of her illness on multiple sclerosis in 2001, she puts her whole energy in creating oil paintings and analog photographic artwork. Even though she often exhibits in other countries and continents, the strong attachment to Salzburg will always remain. She represents humans or abstracted figures by a play of parallel and differently broad lines. Eva M. Paar primary uses earth-colors, in order to give a warm and pleasant character to the oil paintings, which stands in contrast to the often coolly selected motives. Represented humans and scenes do not only dissolve by differently broad lines, but close together lying color gradations support the realistic effect from the distance. They let more exact outlines as well as shade develop...
Werner SZENDI - Austrian Artist, Pencil, Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil
Szendi Werner (born in 1966 in Guessing, Austria) currently lives and works in Vienna. He discovered his artistic talent at the age of 16. The creation of several sacral paintings for churches familiarized him early on with the techniques of the Old Masters. He uses pencil, watercolor, acrylic, oil, gold leaf, stones, as well as mental and spiritual energies for his works...
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