In the world of self-publishing, one of the most common questions authors face is whether they need an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for their book. While some self-publishing platforms, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), provide authors with a free ISBN number, others give them the option to purchase their own. Understanding the implications of this decision is essential for authors who want to navigate the self-publishing landscape effectively. In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of obtaining an ISBN number as a self-published author, and why it might or might not be the right choice for your book.

Do Self-Published Authors Need an ISBN Number?

1. ISBNs and Platforms

If you choose to publish your book through a self-publishing platform like Amazon KDP or IngramSpark, you may wonder whether you need to buy your own ISBN number or if the platform will provide one for you. Some platforms, like KDP, offer a free ISBN when you publish through them, while others, such as IngramSpark, require you to purchase your own ISBN number if you wish to distribute your book widely. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to both options.

2. When You Need Your Own ISBN Number

If you want full control over your book and its rights, obtaining your own ISBN number is recommended. Owning your ISBN number means that you can distribute your book through multiple platforms without restrictions. It also allows you to list yourself as the publisher, rather than using a platform’s name (e.g., “Amazon KDP” or “CreateSpace”). This is particularly beneficial if you want to establish your own brand as a publisher and retain complete ownership of your book’s intellectual property.

3. When You Don’t Need an ISBN Number

For some self-published authors, particularly those who are only publishing an eBook on a single platform like Amazon KDP, using a free ISBN number may be sufficient. If your primary goal is to reach readers through one major retailer and you don’t plan to expand to other platforms or formats, a free ISBN number can streamline the process without the added expense. Moreover, some authors simply prefer the convenience of platform-provided ISBNs since they are automatically linked to the platform, and there’s no need to worry about managing the ISBN.

Pros of Self-Publishing with an ISBN Number

1. Greater Distribution and Exposure

When you own an ISBN number, your book can be sold across multiple retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and independent bookstores. It can also be made available to libraries and wholesalers. With a platform-provided ISBN number, however, your book may be restricted to that particular platform. For example, a book published using an ISBN number provided by KDP is primarily associated with Amazon, limiting its distribution.

2. Full Control Over Your Book’s Rights

By purchasing your own ISBN number, you maintain control over your book’s rights. This means that you can easily transfer your book to another publishing platform if needed or distribute it through multiple channels, without the platform’s branding or restrictions. You can also manage metadata, such as pricing, rights, and discounts, with full independence.

3. Professional Appearance

An ISBN number gives your book a professional edge by making it easier for bookstores, libraries, and other retailers to track and sell your book.

 It also enables the book to appear in important book databases like Books in Print, which can be essential for gaining recognition in the literary world.

4. Ownership of Metadata

When you own the ISBN number, you can control all the associated metadata, including the book’s title, description, pricing, and publishing date. This gives you more flexibility in marketing your book and helps you maintain full creative control.

Cons of Self-Publishing with an ISBN

1. Cost

The most obvious downside of purchasing an ISBN number is the cost. An ISBN number can cost anywhere from $100 to $150 (or more), depending on where you purchase it. If you’re self-publishing several books, this can add up quickly. In contrast, a free ISBN number provided by a platform comes at no additional charge and can save you the upfront expense.

2. Administrative Responsibility

With an ISBN number comes the responsibility of managing it, including registering the number, updating metadata, and ensuring it’s linked to the correct format and edition of your book. If you choose to distribute your book across multiple platforms, you may also have to track different ISBNs for each format (eBook, paperback, audiobook), which can become time-consuming.

3. Limited Platform Integration

Some platforms may restrict the use of their ISBNs for only certain formats or distribution options.


This means that if you choose to use a free ISBN number from a platform, you may be limited to that platform’s specific services, such as selling only through Amazon. This could be a problem if you plan to expand your book’s reach later.

4. No Guarantee of Success

While having your own ISBN number gives your book a more professional appearance, it doesn’t guarantee success. You will still need to work on marketing, distribution, and other aspects of your self-publishing journey. Simply owning an ISBN number won’t necessarily lead to greater sales or exposure on its own.

Conclusion: Should You Buy an ISBN?

Whether or not you should buy an ISBN number as a self-published author depends on your specific needs and goals. If you are focused on getting your book into as many channels as possible, retaining control of your book’s rights, and establishing your own publishing brand, owning your ISBN number is a wise investment. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a low-cost, hassle-free option and plan to publish your book through one platform only, using a free ISBN may be a suitable option. Ultimately, the decision comes down to how much control you want over your book’s distribution and rights, and how much you’re willing to invest in your publishing journey. Whether you choose to purchase your own ISBN number or take advantage of a platform-provided one, self-publishing offers a wealth of opportunities, and an ISBN number can be an important tool in ensuring your book reaches its full potential.