The Kiss (Paolo and Francesca), 1886. Painted plaster,
Auguste Rodin

'The Young Mother'
1885 Plaster, Auguste Rodin

The Three Shades. 1881-86.
Bronze, Auguste Rodin
Historical Artist - Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)
Auguste Rodin, born François-Auguste-René Rodin, was a French artist, most famous
as a sculptor. He was the preeminent French sculptor of his time, and remains one of the few
sculptors widely recognized outside the visual arts community. Auguste Rodin sculptures were
created out of plaster, bronze, and marble, and were actually carved by professional craftsmen
with the occasional assistance from Auguste Rodin.
Auguste Rodin was schooled traditionally in Paris's École des Beaux-Arts
system, took a craftsman-like approach to his work, and desired academic recognition. Early in
his career, Auguste Rodin was denied enrollment in the art school of his choice, and also
received poor reviews from critics who did not recognize his talent as a modeler.
In 1877, he became known in Paris with his life size male nude, Age of Bronze. Not long after
in 1880, he was offered a commission from the French government to design the doors to a new
museum of modern art. Auguste Rodin created the Gates of Hell, however the museum was never
erected and the gates were never finished. In 1891, Auguste Rodin received another commission
from the Societe des Gens de Lettres to design a monument to the late author Balzac. Auguste
Rodin presented the sculpture in 1908, however it was deemed crude and offensive to the society.
Auguste Rodin's most original work departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory,
modeled the human body with realism, and celebrated individual character and physicality. Rodin
was sensitive to the controversy about his work, but did not change his style, and successive
works brought increasing favor from the government and the artistic community.
By 1900, Auguste Rodin was a world-renowned artist. Wealthy private clients sought Auguste
Rodin's work after his World's Fair exhibit, and he kept company with a variety of high-profile
intellectuals and artists. He married his life-long companion, Rose Beuret, in the last year of
both their lives. His sculpture suffered a decline in popularity after his death in 1917, but
within a few decades his legacy solidified.
Quotes on Art by Auguste Rodin
Auguste Rodin: Sculpture is The Art of Depression and Protuberance
" In sculpture the first ...principle is that of construction. Construction is the first
problem that faces the artist studying his model, whether that model is a human being, animal,
tree or flower. The question arises regarding the model as a whole and regarding it in its
seperate parts. All form that is to be reproduced ought to be reproduced in its true dimensions,
in its complete volume. "
" Scupture is quite simply the art of depression and protuberance. There is no getting
away from that. "
Auguste Rodin: Art and Nature
" As paradoxical as it may seem, a great sculptor is as much a colorist as the best
painter, or, rather, the best engraver. He plays so skillfully with all the resources of relief,
he blends so well the boldness of light with the modesty of shadow, that his sculptures please
one so much as the most charming etchings. "
Auguste Rodin: Michelangelo and the Gothic
" To sum it up, the greatest genius of modern times has celebrated the epic of shadow,
while the ancients celebrated that of light. And if we now seek the spiritual significance of
the technique of Michelangelo, as we did that of the Greeks, we shall find that his sculpture
expressed restless energy, the will to act without the hope of success - in fine, the martyrdom
of the creature tormented by unrealizable aspirations ..."
" To tell the truth, Michelangelo does not, as it is often contended, hold a unique place
in art. He is the culmination of all Gothic thought ..."
Contemporary French Artists
Art Galleries in France