Media - Oil Paintings, Mixed Media
Email - [email protected]
Website - http://www.painterilya.com/indexE.htm
Ilyas Phaizulline was born in August 15, 1950 in Tetyushi city on Volga River. After finishing a musical-art-pedagogical secondary school in 1970 he has visited the class of a figure in Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture by I.E.Repin in St. Petersburg city. He is a painter and drawer.
Ilyas Phaizulline is a member of the Artist`s Union of Russia and Tatarstan Republic.
Artworks by Ilyas Phaizulline you can find in private collections of Spain, Italy and England. Some of his historical artworks were purchased by the Ministry of Culture to exposition in National Museum of Tatarstan Republic. Several paintings were purchased for the Kazan Kremlin.
More of his artworks has been created in his own style of art that named "Mystical realism".
Ilyas has been living and working in Kazan city (the capital of Tatarstan Republic, Russia) since 2001.