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Artists From Germany - S

Artists of The World > German Artists > S

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German Artists S

Ingo SCHULTZE-SCHNABL - German Artist, Acrylics, Drawing, Objects, Installation
Unique style of working with multi-panelled artwork teasing perception and extending means of composition...

Christian SIEBOLD - German Artist, Photography
Christian Siebold is professional photographer and Dipl.-Designer in Munich and Frankfurt, Germany. He is focused on fashion, people, portrait photography...

Eva STRAUTMANN - German Artist, Oil Painting
Hochschule der Kuenste Berlin (UdK), FU Berlin, MA., Assistance, Professor Peter Simhandl, Klasse Achim Freyer, Filmworks with Karola Schlegelmilch, Author, "Begegnungen mit Isaac", Igel-Verlag, etc., Several Stipendien, u.a. Budapest-Stipendium, Moldau- Stipendium, Exhibits in several countries, Giving lectures...


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