Oil Paintings by Artists from the Netherlands
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Dutch Artists - Oil Paintings
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Bregje HORSTEN - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting
Bregje Horsten is a Dutch artist with a contemporary abstract expressive style. Combining the 'old world' with the 'new'. Bregje uses the same exceptional paints and pigments as did the old Dutch Masters. In a complex style that is rarely practiced anymore; much layers and great depth make her work unique and genuine. Bregje graduated at the Art Academy St. Joost in Breda, Holland, in 2004. In 2007 she graduated with honors at the Art Academy of Tilburg. She currently has a variety of exhibitions in galleries throughout the world, from Amsterdam up to Los Angeles...
Shefqet AVDUSH EMINI - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting on Canvas
Biography Shefqet Avdush Emini, born on 2 June 1957 in Davidovc, Kosovo. I have graduaded on the Fine Art Academy, direction painting in Prishtina, Kosovo. After graduading I have worked as a lecturer. Painting and sculpturing has always kept me occupied. I live in Holland since 1994, thereafter I have worked as a professional artist. Figurative abstract expressionism...
Bo BAKKER - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting
I am fascinated by 'lives', their origins, developments, desires, dreams and truths. I am inspired by the 'light' around persons or props.I use glass, wood, iron, copper and recycled things for my creations and always work with a combination of materials...
Angela BOGAARD - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting, Mixed Media, Acrylics, Photography
During a period of 27 years I am growing in the artist profession.I am still growing.This period is very interesting because the role as an artist is changing.I want to express humanity, beauty, honesty...
Arjan BOSCH - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting
Geometrical, absurdistic and surreal work, painted in old painting technique...
Robert DOESBURG - Dutch Artist, Oil and Softpastel
New Wave in Art Autodidact.Sensualist.Estheet. My specialties:Squarestyle,Eternellen and Rondellen...
Hella DE BOO - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting, Mixed Media, Drawing
LIFE FASCINATES ME. Life is an unfathomable riddle that shows itself in all living organisms: in plants, animals, men, and in the matter it touches. Life is inconsumable. Life makes each organism an individual with exceptional qualities...
Ans DUIN - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting, Acrylics, Mixed Media
Ans Duin's work has grown through various stages; from realism to ever more abstract. She maintains a tension for her audience; he or she can freely interpret what they see. She predominantly uses acrylic paint because of the clarity of colour. However she also uses oils regularly. Her favourite subjects are landscapes and sea views. Ans says: 'the fantastic cloud formations and clear skies never cease to surprise me' ...
Lily GALE - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting, Acrylics, Mixed Media
Lily Gale was born on april 7th, 1979, in Groningen, The Netherlands. Since her childhood Lily Gale was creative with sketching, painting and sculpturing. Through the years her subjects have changed from nature into the abstract and cubism artforms. Her paintings show a fascination for sharp and unusual shapes with a compilation of exceptional colour combination...
Sanneke GRIEPINK - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolours, Photography
My work is purely visual- I like to show my experience with a space, a landscape, a vision. During my painting I like to experiment with the size of things- to extent flowers to monsterous forms , to place a face over a map , to give a shell monumental status, to combine the realistic with the lyric or mysterious world that lives in our mind. I'm intrested to explore those places that are or ones where holy to us, and the similarity between all worldreligions...
Ralf HEYNEN - Dutch Artist, Oil Painting
Mystical orientalism; paintings of Armenian monasteries and Indian architecture. Realistic portraits on commission...
Frits JANSE - Dutch Artist, Oil painting, Acrylics, Pencil
Painting and drawing of the human figure, portraits and maritime subjects...
Dina KATER-ZIJLSTRA - Dutch Artist, Acrylics, Oil Painting
I love making portrets of my family and friends...
Ilda KOOLEN - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
Born 1960, Rietveld Academy 1993, expositions Roosendaal 2003, Rotterdam 2008. Characteristics: large paintings of strong women, inspired by Rubens...
Jan G. MARQUE - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
I was born in 1968, and from the beginning of my artistry I combined word and image to propagate the meaning of the different subjects. I accomplished it through my photography- art and pen & ink drawings. But because the drawings took up a lot of time to finish I started to look at another medium...
Apostolos PANAGOPOULOS - Netherlands Artist, Oil Painting, Mixed media, graphics
I was born in Thessalonica, North Greece and I was brought up in Athens. During my short Greek period I start studying Visual Arts and Theatre but I left Greece at a very young age for numerous reasons. I immigrated to The Netherlands’s where I live permanently. In the Netherlands I continued my studies, History of Art, at the University of Utrecht...
Tjerk REIJINGA - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
I was born in Hilversum, the Netherlands, in 1955, in a family with many creative relatives so it was no surprise that, after a career in the Communication Industry, I picked up painting. My appreciation of the great masters has inspired my technique which covers Still Life's, Landscapes, Marines and Murals that translates as "Trompe l'oeuils". During my work, I developed my style into a more magical realistic one, combining old objects with landscapes...
Donald William SCHLECHTER - Dutch Artist, Oils, Acrylics, Mixed Media
At a very early age I knew that I wanted to be Painter. I am self-taught, and I developed into a painter with freedom and creativity. My work is realistic with a surreal tint. I Am painting with acrylic, oil paints and mixed technique and not just on cloth but also on all sorts of objects and furniture, and vases...
Ans SCHUMACHER - Dutch Artist, Oil on Canvas
Ans Schumacher, female dutch painter of large, anonymous faces, like one sees in glossy`s and on billboards. They are all beautifull, but what is behind those eyes, are they really so selfassured or are they hiding there unsecureness..
Herman TJEPKEMA - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
In my work I try to cobine cassic painting with digital photographie. From this 'best of both worlds' concept I create my more than life-size portraits...
Leo VAN DEN ENDE - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings, Pastels, Watercolours and Charcoal
In general, my works are done with oil colours, pastels, watercolours and charcoal. The subjects are very varied, ranging from flowerbulb fields, flowers, animals and interiors to landscapes, townscapes and even a handful of portraits...
Jan Willem VERSTEEG - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
Self-taught / Autodidact...
Wim WESSLING - Dutch Artist, Oil Paintings
Wim Wessling (1955) is a selftaught Artist. He is inspired by the beauty of the human body, especially by the female body. That can be a bodyscape or a part of it. He paints on linen in oil, mainly in black&white, sometimes in color. Besides modelpainting (by living model or by a photograph), he paints portraits as well. Commissioned paintings on request...
Geert WINKEL - Dutch Artist, Oil and Acrylic Paintings
Oil and Acrylic Paintings by Dutch artist Geert Winkel...
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