Artists From Ireland - C
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Irish Artists C
Rory COLEMAN - Irish Artist, Oil Painting, Mixed Media, Pencil
Rory Coleman was born in Wexford, Ireland. He began studying animation in Ballyfermot College Dublin in 1999, graduating three years later. However, Rory felt he needed to pursue a more personal form of artistic expression. Rory began to paint intently in a variety of styles and mediums, while also producing numerous commissioned portraits. Since then Rory has become a much sought after portrait artist, renowned for the detail and depth in the subjects depicted...
Lynda COOKSON - Irish Artist, Oil Paintings
On a deeper level than the notions of freedom and rebellion, incorporating colour and movement, Cookson works with what she terms the 'behind music'; she works with the masks of protection and the layers of learning people develop and build up through their lives; and she works with how they learn to live with those masks and layers; and how they achieve their wisdom...
John CULLINAN - Irish Artist, Oil and Charcoal
John has never known life without art. Born in 1947, it was always his ambition to enter the Art world. He studied in the Limerick School of Art under the guidance of Jack Donovan for whom he has a lifelong regard. He attributes much of the influences in his work to his experiences during these formative years during which his passion and vision never wavered. He graduated from the Limerick School of Art with honours and spent the following two years teaching there. He then studied painting under Michael Dempsey...
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