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Art Encyclopedia - R

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Definitions of Art Terminology
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Art Terms Beginning With R

Ready Mades - Ready Mades are associated with the Dada movement and can be manufactured objects or found objects ...more info
Realism - In the visual arts the term realism is used to describe art work that depict subjects as they appear in everyday life ...more info

Recession - In art, recession is the appearance or illusion of depth in a picture ...more info
Relief - Relief is a carving, moulding or stamping in which the design projects from the background plane ...more info
Relief Graphics - Relief graphics are graphics in which the image to be reproduced is left high enough above the block so that the ink applied will lie only on the relief portion ...more info
Rhythm - In art, rhythm is allied to movement and relies on repeating units, patterns, shapes, curves etc ...more info | Contact Us | List Your Art | List Your Art Gallery | Site Map

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