Artists From The Art World - S
Artists of The World > S
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World Artists S
*Featured Listings
Kevin SCIBERRAS- Maltese Artist, Acrylics
I am a Maltese artist whose passionate about urban spaces and architectural landmarks...
Danguole SERSTINSKAJA - Lithuanian Artist, Charcoal, Pastel, Oil Painting, Oil Dry Brush
I live in a beautiful country Lithuania. I've been drawing since I was a child. I love to work in a realistic style. I mainly specialize in drawing with charcoal however I also work with pencils, pastels and dry oil brushes. My true passion are animal artworks. Each animal has it's own personality and through my work I try to capture their uniqueness, spirit and emotions...
Bruce SHANE - United States Artist, Acrylics
Family and social commentary paintings. Figurative art that tells a story. I reside in San Diego, CA. Audio autobiography on website...
Ann STRINGER-PAGET - United Kingdom Artist, Acrylic, Oils, Pastel, Watercolour, Mixed Media
I have drawn and painted in some form since the age of six. It was at this age that my Grandmother introduced me to the incredible world of the Old Masters, and I became totally hooked! I paint everything that interests me, in media that I feel best suits the subject, hence my work fits in both abstract and traditional genres. I currently work from my studio in Staffordshire and also teach in the surrounding counties.
Carol SURFACE - United States Artist, Painting, Mixed Media, Watercolor, Printmaking
My work is about the highs and lows of being human and the search for centerdness within today's society. I use the visual iconography of the urban landscape as a metaphor for the layers of the human condition...
SACHA - United States Artist, Paintings
Sushil SAKHUJA - Indian Artist,
SALEIRE - United Kingdom Artist, Digital Art
Ivan SALIBA - Maltese Artist, Digital Art
Maris SALMINS - United States Artists, Oil Painting
Becky SAMUELSON - United Kingdom Artist, Watercolour, Pastel, Acrylic
Rafael SANCHEZ DE ICAZA - Mexican Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolours, Acrylics, Mixed Media
Beate SANDOR - Austrian Artist, Paintings, Photography
Erik SANSOM - Canadian Artist, Acrylics, Collage, Mixed Media
Matthew SANTOMARCO - United States Artist, Photography
Carol A SANTORA - United States Artist, Pastel, Acrylic, Mixed Media
Louis SAUZIER - Australian Artist, Pastel
Marian SAVA - Belgian Artist, Sculptures
Guy SAVEL - French Artist, Mixed Media Paintings, Oil Paintings
Noriko Cooper SAWABE - United States Artist, Acrylics
Jennifer SAXELL - Swedish Artist, Mixed Media
Milton SCHAEFER - Brazilian Artist, Acrylics
Gillie and Marc SCHATTNER - Australian Artist, Acrylics
Douglas SCHNEIDER - United States Artist, Watercolours
Rod SCHNEIDER - United States Artist, Oil, Acrylic, and Watercolor Painting
Sara SCHODOLSKI - United States Artists, Oils and Acrylics
Lique SCHOOT - Dutch Artist, Painting, Photography, Objects
Chantel SCHOTT - Australian Artist, Acrylics, Soft Pastel, Mixed Media
Ingo SCHULTZE-SCHNABL - German Artist, Acrylics, Drawing, Objects, Installation
Ans SCHUMACHER - Dutch Artist, Oil on Canvas
John SCHUYLER - United States Artist, Mixed Media on Canvas
Joye SCHWARTZ - United States Artist, Watercolor & Oil Paintings
Virginia SCOTCHIE - United States Artist, Ceramic Sculptures
Jasmina SELIG - Serbian Artist, Acrylic Paintings
Alexander SELIVERSTOV - Spanish Artist, Oil Painting
Herb SELLIN - Canadian Artist, Acrylics
Abu SEMAN - Malaysian Artist, Pastels, Oil Paintings, Watercolour Paintings
Betty SEMINARIO - United States Artists, Oil painting, Drawing
Gabriel SENCIAL - Mexican Artist, Mixed Media
Aissatou SENE - United States Artist, Oil, Acrylic, Watercolors, Ink Paintings
Stephen SEQUIN - Canadian Artist, Paintings, Drawings
Serg SERGE - Russian Artist, Oil Paintings
Marie SERRARIS - Dutch Artist, Sculpture
Igor SETER - Serbian Artist, Sculptures
Mike SHAFFER - United States Artists, Sculptures, Paintings, Conceptual Work
Melinda SHANK-MILES - Canadian Artist, Oil Paintings, Acrylic Paintings and Illustration
Martina SHAPIRO - Canadian Artist, Oil Paintings, Acrylic Paintings, Ink
SHARLES - United States Artist, Oil Painting, Bronze Sculptures
Peter SHAUGHNESSY - Canadian Artist, Wood Sculpture
Jerry SHEERIN - Spanish Artist, Oil Paintings, Digital Art, Sculpture
Vinod SHARMA - United States Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolors, Mixed Media
Laxman V. SHENVI - Indian Artist, Oil, Watercolours, Pastels
Jonathan SHEPHERD - United Kingdom Artist, Oil paintings, Acrylics
Chris SHERMAN - United Kingdom Artist, Oils, Pastels and Watercolours
Susan SHIMELD - United Kingdom Artist, Oil Paintings, Pencil, Gouache, Pastels
Irena SHKLOVER - Canadian Artist, Acrylic Paintings
Donald William SCHLECHTER - Dutch Artist, Oils, Acrylics, Mixed Media
Eliezer SHLOMI - Israeli Artist, Stained Glass Collage
Nicolai SHMATKO - Ukranian Artist, Sculpture
Johnson Babatunde SHOBOWALE - Nigerian Artist, Mixed Media
Saurabh SHRIVASTAVA - Indian Artist, Acrylic, Mixed Media, Oil Pastels, Pencils, Water Colours
Janna SHULRUFER - Israeli Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolours, Etching
T.C.SIANG - Malaysian Artist, Watercolours, Pencil, Mixed Media
Janice SICH - Canadian Artist, Oil Paintings, Photography
Christian SIEBOLD - German Artist, Photography
Jacquelyn Sloane SIKLOS - Canadian Artist, Photography, Painting
Masako SIMMONS - United States Artist, Acrylics, Photography
Brian SIMONS - Canadian Artist, Oil painting, Acrylics
Nicola SIMPKIN - United Kingdom Artist, Ink and Watercolour
Dennis SINCLAIR - Canadian Artist, Watercolour, Acrylic, Mixed, Photography, Digital, Pencil, Charcoal
Christian Bernard SINGER - Canadian Artist, Sculpture, Installation
Christopher SLACK - South African Artist, Acrylics, Printing, Etching, Silkscreen
Linda SLASBERG - United States Artist, Acrylic, Mixed Media
Victor SLOAN - Irish Artist, Photography
Sheena SLOBODIAN - Canadian Artist, Photography, Alternative Processes
Lionel SMIT - South African Artist, Oil Paintings
Jill SMITH - United Kingdom Artist, Acrylics
Marquita SMITH - United States Artist, Oil Paintings, Acrylic, Pastel, Pencil, Mixed Media
Tammie SMITH - United States Artist, Sculpture
Sandra SMITH-DUGAN - United States Artist, Oil Painting, Gouache, Charcoal Drawings
Andre SNYMAN - South African Artist, Oil, Acrylics, Mixed Media
Das SORTES - Italian Artist, Oil, Acrylics
Zenobia SOUTHCOMBE - New Zealand Artist, Ink, Paper, Acrylics, Watercolour
Marilyn SPENCE - United Kingdom Artist, Gouache
Scott Andrew SPENCER - United States Artist, Oil Paintings
Rebecca STAHR - United States Artist, Graphite Pencil, Colored Pencil, Charcoal, Pastel, Mixed-Media, Watercolor, Oil
Lela STANKOVIC - Canadian Artist, Oil Painting, Watercolours, Drawings, Miniatures
Brandy STARK - United States Artist, Mixed Media and Metal
Jan STEADMAN - United Kingdom Artist, Mixed Media
Donna STEEL - New Zealand Artist, Mixed Media, Acrylics, Oil Paintings
Jared STEINBERG - United States Artist, Oil Painting
Sharon STEINHAUS - Canadian Artist, Acrylic, Mixed Media, Watercolour, Pen&Iink
Eugeniusz STEMPLOWSKI - Polish Artist,Painting
Kristie STEPHENSON - Jamaican Artist, Oil, Acrylics, Photography
Debora STEWART - United States Artist, Pastels and Drawings
Christopher STONE - Spanish Artist, Sculpture, Painting
Suzana STOJANOVIC - Serbian Artist, Oil Paintings, Pastels, Drawings
Thyrza STOTT - South African Artist, Mixed Media
Marko STOUT - United States Artist, Acrylic, Oils and Mixed Media
STRATOS - Belgian Artist, Mixed Media
Coert STEYNBERG - South African Artist, Oil, Acrylics
Eva STRAUTMANN - German Artist, Oil Painting
Nadezhda STRELKINA - Russian Artist, Paintings
Mohan SUNDARESAN - United States Artist, Mixed Media
Carol SURFACE - United States Artist, Painting, Mixed Media, Watercolor, Printmaking
Craig Rory SWALLOW - Australian Artist, Sculpture
V.V. SWAMY - Indian Artist, Oil Paintings, Watercolours, Acrylics
Alexis SWENDENER - United States Artist, Photography
Marek SWIATECKI - Polish Artist, Pastels
Larry SYKES - United States Artist, Watercolours
Werner SZENDI - Austrian Artist, Pencil, Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil
Wanda SZUBIELSKI - Canadian Artist, Oil Paintings
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